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Message from the CEOMessage from the CEO

Management PhilosophyManagement Philosophy

Aspiring to become "a created partner corporation,"
we will contribute to the progress of food culture.

Keiko Kobayashi, President & CEO of KINJIRUSHI Co., Ltd.

In our contemporary diversified diet, people are showing greater concern for maintaining a healthy diet; Japanese food with its superb balance of nutrition continues to attract international attention. Registered as a "UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage" in 2013, Japanese food is expected to continue to spread throughout the world.
Wasabi, long favored throughout the history of Japanese dietary culture, is seen as an important food complement.

Since the establishment of our company in 1929, we have continued as a pioneer in wasabi products to hold quality first, in order to deliver fresh and aromatic wasabi to our customers. As a result, "KINJIRUSHI" has gained a sterling reputation as a trusted brand of wasabi products.

In 2014, we established KINJIRUSHI Agriculture Co., Ltd. in order to create a production system that integrates all processes from the ingredient development stage. We also established KINJIRUSHI WASABI INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD., a local subsidiary in the U.S., to enhance our export organization that ships products to 65 countries all over the world.

We offer many products other than wasabi. In addition to a lineup of seasoning products to add spice to foods, we also develop health products and cosmetics that offer a range health benefits (such as detoxification, antioxidation, circulation improvement, and skin repair). We continue to actively research new possibilities.

The KINJIRUSHI Group will continue to push forward under our management philosophy of, "through our products, let us contribute on a trend for a healthier diet and diversifying food culture around the world." We hope to continue to receive your support.


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