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Industry-leading Production Facilities

Industry-leading Production Facilities

X-ray foreign substance detection device, that also remove one foreign matter particle with a metal detector

Since it is a product that goes into your mouth, Kinjirushi continues its commitment in the safety of products. The Kinjirushi's product check is done strictly with the latest detection equipment, it consists of preparing a system which can discover one particle of foreign matter smaller than iron sand and difficult to see with human eyes, and working to ensure you to be able to enjoy with confidence.

  • Thorough cleaning in bucket-invertible washing machine
    Thorough cleaning in bucket-invertible washing machine
  • Detection of foreign matter by X-ray foreign matter detector
    Detection of foreign matter by X-ray foreign matter detector
  • Detection of metal by metal detector
    Detection of metal by metal detector
  • Final visual inspection by human eyes
    Final visual inspection by human eyes

Ingenious production line that maintaining fresh fragrance and pungency of wasabi

Because of its nature due to enzymatic reaction from the moment of grating, the fragrance and pungency of the wasabi volatilizes and escapes. At Kinjirushi's production factory, we devise various measures at each step of the production line in order to deliver the refreshing fragrance and pungency of wasabi to the customer's table with as little missing as possible.

Realization of "Freshly grated" with a -196°C ultracold temperature grating method

To reach customers to deliver the fragrance and pungent of a freshly grated wasabi, the wasabi is grated at -196°C, with Kinjirushi's "ultracold temperature grating method". With this method, by freezing the fragrance and pungent and deliver it to the customers, it is possible to enjoy a freshly grated flavor after unfreezing.

Ingenious production line to keep low temperature

In order to prevent volatilization of fragrance and pungent by enzymatic reaction, the wasabi grated under ultracold temperature is packed when at cold temperature. Then, it is kept in a large freezing facility and delivered to you in frozen state.

  • Packed under low temperaturePacked under low temperature
  • Freezing the products in spiral flash-freeze refrigeratorFreezing the products in spiral flash-freeze refrigerator
  • Storing the products in a large freezing facility until shippingStoring the products in a large freezing facility until shipping

Aim for the industry's top level of safety

We are promoting the creation of an environment for customers' safety and security by providing an authentication system, a management of foreign matter inclusion, as well as an introduction of a 360-degree network camera for investigating the cause in case of emergency from entry and exit management in the factory based on complex biometrics system, also working on food defense.

  • Facial recognition by compound biometric authentication systemFacial recognition by compound biometric authentication system
  • Removing adhered dust using an air showerRemoving adhered dust using an air shower
  • 360-degree network camera360-degree network camera

Our devotion to our productsOur devotion to our products

We want to deliver delicious products in a safe and secure way
President of KINJIRUSHI Wasabi Co.,Ltd.

Ryoichi Ishikawa, President of KINJIRUSHI Wasabi Co.,Ltd.

We, Kinjirushi wasabi, developed in 1973 for the first time in the industry a "freshly grated wasabi" that was considered difficult until then by using raw wasabi ingredients, and we offer it to customers even now. Prior to the development of the "freshly granted wasabi" we had been selling "kona wasabi" and "neri wasabi", but we could not reproduce the fresh fragrance and pungent of raw wasabi. Enzymatic reaction occurs immediately after grating wasabi, a refreshing fragrance and a pungent character are developed, which evaporate promptly a very delicate fresh pungency. Therefore, if you use grated wasabi raw ingredients as it is, it will be a product with less fragrance and pungency.
Thus, in order to develop truly delicious wasabi products and to offer our "raw grated wasabi", we are working on raw ingredients storage technology that keeps freshness, and a manufacturing method that suppresses fragrance and pungency enzyme reactions in our laboratory.
In addition, in order to deliver secure and safe products, we are implementing various countermeasures such traceability of used ingredients - installation of a metal detector/X-ray foreign matter detection device to prevent system and foreign substance contamination and introduction of factory entry and exit management system. We will continue to deliver delicious, safe and secure products in the future.

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